Mechanical Systems Design (MSD)

Mechanical Systems Design

This is an Integrated Design course for Mechanical Engineering Programme. This is a team-based project on design and development of mechanical equipment under the guidance of faculty members. Each team shall have a maximum of 5 students. 

Development of fusion-fission hybrid reactor for cleaner energy production (Part I)

Fusion-fission plasma reactions, also known as hybrid nuclear reactions or hybrid fusion-fission reactions, involve a combination of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission processes occurring within a plasma environment. In these reactions, nuclei from light elements (such as hydrogen isotopes like deuterium and tritium) undergo fusion to produce energy, while simultaneously triggering fission reactions in surrounding fissile materials (such as uranium or thorium isotopes). Fusion-fission plasma reactions have been proposed as a potential pathway for achieving both energy production and transmutation of nuclear waste. Research in this field aims to develop advanced reactor designs capable of harnessing the benefits of both fusion and fission processes while addressing technical challenges associated with plasma confinement, neutron management, and reactor materials. Overall, the demand for fusionfission reactors stems from the urgent need for sustainable, safe, and reliable sources of energy, coupled with the potential to address key challenges such as nuclear waste management and proliferation resistance. While significant technical and engineering challenges remain, ongoing research and development efforts aim to advance fusion-fission reactor technologies toward commercial viability and widespread deployment. As a team of mechanical engineers from Engineering and Technology company, you are being assigned to design fusion-fission hybrid reactor system for cleaner energy production 

G1_Eugne_Interim Report_V2.pdf
G1_Eugne_MSD I_Viva Voce.pdf

Development of Fusion-Fission Hybrid Reactor for Cleaner Energy Production (Part I)

Fusion-fission plasma reactions, also known as hybrid nuclear reactions or hybrid fusion-fission reactions, involve a combination of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission processes occurring within a plasma environment. In these reactions, nuclei from light elements (such as hydrogen isotopes like deuterium and tritium) undergo fusion to produce energy, while simultaneously triggering fission reactions in surrounding fissile materials (such as uranium or thorium isotopes). Fusion-fission plasma reactions have been proposed as a potential pathway for achieving both energy production and transmutation of nuclear waste. Research in this field aims to develop advanced reactor designs capable of harnessing the benefits of both fusion and fission processes while addressing technical challenges associated with plasma confinement, neutron management, and reactor materials. Overall, the demand for fusionfission reactors stems from the urgent need for sustainable, safe, and reliable sources of energy, coupled with the potential to address key challenges such as nuclear waste management and proliferation resistance. While significant technical and engineering challenges remain, ongoing research and development efforts aim to advance fusion-fission reactor technologies toward commercial viability and widespread deployment. As a team of mechanical engineers from Engineering and Technology company, you are being assigned to design fusion-fission hybrid reactor system for cleaner energy production.

Part II of the Design will consists of simulation, design and modelling.

This project is supervised by Dr. Mazli Bin Mustapha, Ph.D.. (Head of Centre for Corrosion Research)  and Co-Supervised by AP. Dr Shahrul Kamarudin, Ph.D..

Similar Project's Findings, References & Further Readings

Conceptual design of a hybrid fusion-fission reactor with intrinsic safety and optimized energy productivity

Authored by: Hosein Talebi et. al (2017)

A hybrid fission-fusion reactor with a Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) as a fusion core and the dual layer fissionable blanket as the energy multiplier were conceptually designed. A cylindrical DPF ...[Click on Image to read more]

Neutron data field in a fission reactor core with fusion neutron source at pulse-periodic operation 

Authored by: I V Shamanin et. al (2020)

Results are presented on the distinctive features of the energy release dynamics in the hybrid thorium reactor operating in combination with the neutron source based on the extended magnetic mirror trap...[Click on Image to read more]